News & Events

AGM Agenda and Travel Information

The fifth and final NSMG-Net Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday, October 5, 2015 at the Hilton Markham Suites and Conference Centre (8500 Warden Ave, Markham, ON L6G 1A5) in  Markham Ballroom A/B.  **Note room change**

The Agenda is as follows:

8.00 Breakfast (Continental)
8.30 Welcome and Introductions – Hassan Farhangi, Scientific Director
8.45 Plenary Presentations: “Perspectives on Microgrid Development” (speakers from IESO, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
10.00 Break
10.15 Research Highlights from NSMG-Net  (presentations by Theme Leaders)
11.30 Updates on cross-theme Projects 2.5 and 2.6
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Graduate Student “Elevator Pitches”
15.00 Break
15.15 Panel Discussion: “The Future of Microgrid Research in Canada: Next Steps”
16.15 Summary and Closing Remarks
16.30 Adjourn
17.30 SmartGrid Canada Reception (at GE Grid IQ Centre to 19.00)

The event is open to all interested parties.  Please notify the Network Manager ( if you wish to attend.

Detailed Agenda (PDF)

Travel Information (Directions, Parking Permit, Accommodations, Information on SmartGrid Canada Conference – PDF)